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Splankna Blog/Testimonials

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Testimony about us adoption children emotional healing emotional trauma family splankna testimonial

I had a young boy who was adopted from another country who was exhibiting extreme anger and rebellion toward his adoptive family.  We went back to the time when he remembers his grandfather left him at the orphanage.  He cried and we cleared abandonment along with all the...

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Testimony healing splankna testimonial trauma

A client that’s an ex police officer began coming to Splankna to heal trauma from so much exposure to suicide policing and in personal life.  After several advanced sessions in a couple of months said “I seriously think Splankna has been the biggest thing I’ve added...

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Client Testimony about us emotional healing emotional trauma faith healing inner healing self-awareness testimonial

"The Holy Spirit has used Splankna to teach me why I react the way I do. While there are inquiries into past events, it differs from conventional talk therapy in that the events themselves, rather than tedious detail, are simply recalled. The Holy Spirit has used this protocol to supplement...

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Splankna Testimony about us healing testimonial

"I had a traumatic brain injury on August 1, 2015, after falling headfirst into a boulder while hiking. The journey to recovery was long and exasperating. I developed vestibular migraines on top of regular migraines, which were triggered by reading. I was unable to work for 3 years due to the...

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